KTV with Wei bo and Kenneth, SMU Official Opening..!!
After much deliberations and planning etc, finallly managed to fix a date and time to go KTV with wei bo and Kenneth !! Haa haa, really looking forward to it! I knida rushed outta house, couldn't wake up on time. Look at the pic below and u'll be able to find evidence that i kinda rushed outta house. Look at hair and all !!
Wei bo is also late i think!! Cant' remember. Anyway, kenneth is the worse, he's the latest. We didn't even wanna wait for him but went for lunch first!!
The KTV session wasn't too bad. Wei bo can really sing Cantonese songs and also those chinese songs that have lotsa words etc. Cos he can read those chinese words lar !! I can't *ucking read thsoe words at all !!
Went over to the Singapore Management university;s Official opening!! Went there for free food and performance!! whahaaaa. Damn it, lost my cap after the KTV. Think i lost it over at Long John there when Wei Bo was having his lunch!!
Anyway, i kinda like the atmosphere of Campus Green during the official opening. Look at the lights below. So nice right? Really tempted to steal one of them back home, but it's simply too big etc!! whahahaaaaa
And have any one of u out there ever think of why SMU's sch fees is so ex?? Cos we have to pay for the set up of all these stages and pay for those fireworks etc whenever there's some events and all. Is it really worth it?? I doubt so. And i guess if the school is to ask all the students if they want all these, i dare to say that most of the ppl will not want this kinda extravaganzas!!
Look at the amount of rubbish that was left over in the Campus green after the concert is over!! OMG. Kinda funny right? Ppl don't appreciate things at nowadays!! SMU gave those things like water bottles etc for free, why can't those ppl jus throww those things away themselves ?? Haiz...
Denise was performing in the band that day. It was one of the reason as to why we went for the official opening, cos wei bo have to go there and watch the performance!! Accompanied wei bo to go and buy flowers for denise after the performance etc. WAlked all the way to CITy Hall manz ...!! Whahahaa< nice right? I also think the flower is rather nice !! Cos i played a part in chosing it !!

See the tree below. Look kinda creppy and all yea?? Haa haa, all thanks to the spot light and all. Haah aa, there's scarier ones actually , those in red and green are the worst!! whhaaaa.


Anyway, i kinda like the atmosphere of Campus Green during the official opening. Look at the lights below. So nice right? Really tempted to steal one of them back home, but it's simply too big etc!! whahahaaaaa

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