JB Outing with Shun wei and Chris ..!!
As the title suggest, only Chris and Shun wei came. They are so bad, asked them to come to Krangji then we go over together they don't want, then i have to go alone. Haven meet up with them for so long..!! And haven talk to shun wei for so long, since the last time we had some misunderstanding. Yap.
The plan for the day is to eat, shop and watch Movie. ..!! Ha haa, wanna watch harry potter initially, cos shun wei haven watch yet, but the cineplex there don't have the show, so we had to watch another show instead.

Honestly, i was kinda afraid that we might not be able to enjoy ourselves today, bcos of a few reasons. One of which is cos we haven meet up for such a long time, and i'm afraid that they might be bored cos i don't know whether they like to eat and hsop like me..haa haa, luckily they like to shop as well, so it's alrite ..!! Haa haa
I started the day with the purchase of a pair of shorts. Not bad, think it's 20 sing ? cannot remember also, should be around there. ..!! Hee heee. Anyway look at the blue shorts, not nice meh ?

Shun wei bought had set out to get a pair of shoe initially, but he ended up getting a polo t. Rather nice, cos it's brown in colour., i like it too, but since he bought it, so ya... Haa haa
We had some shoppping and lunch b4 going for the movie at 3+.

Had dinner over at one more those jap restaurant. Not very nice though, haa haa, then super irritated with the service, cos they are damn slow and even forgot about my order lar,...., my 'oyako don' came only after both of them finish their food ....Argh ....!!! I was so tempted when christine is having her noodles, look at her below, enjoying her food when i'm suffering ..!!Look at Christine, so happy ..!! Haa haa, don't know what she laughing at as well. Think she's really happy to be out with 2 handsome guy ( shun wei and me ), no ?? Haa haa
Actually i have to go for tuition tonight, but i was having such a good time with them that i really don't wanna end it. Having have such a good time with them for so long, didn't meet up for the whole term 1 man.. Haiz....... And do u all know what's the funnny thing ? the 3 of us didn't take a pic together. Haa haa, only realised it when we were back at the singapore Custom. Ha haa, luckily i remembered ..!! Haa aha...
After this trip, i realise that i really miss them a lot, really love them a lot. Ha haaKinda mushy again. Hope tat they have enjoyed themselves as well.
Nicky - JB Goer
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