Work - Teddy Bear Company
WAs late for work this morning again! Forever late, everyday! Really bad employee huh?? Whahahaaa. I'm more clever today! went over to the merchandies office this morning to confirm where i'm working at before walking over to the Candle shop cos i know that i'll definitely not beworking over at the cadle shop for sure. AS i've said, i am indeed not going to Candle shop but to the spooky hollow.
Upon arrival at the Frontiertown area, CAssandra told me that i will be opening up 'teddy bear' instead of spooky hollow!! Whahahaaa. SEe how bad the management is? SUx!! Big time! Really amaze that things are not been straighten out even though everyone knows of the existence of the problem,! it's nt like someone calld in sick etc which cause them to have to swap ppeople ard! It's not! They know that they don't have enough people at certain shop but they do nothhing to plan etc so that there'll be people there! That's really rubbish! Stop it! My schedule says that i'm suppose to work over at the Cadle shop everyday but i'm working everywhere else but the candle shop!!

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