End of Term "SMU Syndrome"
This week will be week 13 of school. The beginning of the last 3 weeks of torture that had lasted 12 weeks thus far. So what is this syndrome characterised by?
Below are some of the physical characteristics of the syndrome:
- Fever/ Flu
- Sore throat
- Gaining Mass - You would also by now feel that somehow your shirts and pants are getting tighter due to the increasing amount of time spend sitting on chairs through the many mugging sessions or through the numerous meetings coupled with the decreasing amt of time spend on exercising and eating healthily.
- 'Natural Eye Shadow' – most people would have by now develop dark rings due to the constant lack of sleep because of burning mid night oil be it to find the very little time left to meet up with friends for supper or for rushing projects to meet dateline etc.
Here are some of the non-physical characteristics:
- Constant perception of in a rush – somehow not everyone if as busy during this time of the term for a SMU Student however, because of the fact that it's the last 3 weeks, by default and convention we, being the students of SMU we are SUPPOSED to be busy thus somehow, this is more like a self serving biasness kinda thing. So even if someone is not busy, that person will suffer from this syndrome and be 'infected' by everyone else to think that he or she is really busy and have to rush to finish some UNKNOWN task etc thus putting stress on his own body.
- Knowing nothing – One would also think that they have no knowledge of what they had been studying for the past 12 weeks and keep on insisting that they actually don't know anything about the subject matter per se.
- Compulsive Check List Production(mental or physical) - one would keep coming up with a checklist of things to be done etc be it in the mind or writing it down on paper etc. This checklist could be for the events that will take place in the near future (ie: within the next 3 weeks) or they can also extend into the future and into the december holiday periods like a checklist of what to do in the holidays, what to buy after the exams, what kinda gatherings to have towards the end of the year etc etc.
Well, to really list down all the possible characteristics is a really tough one cos everyone experiences it differently to differing extends. so yup. The best way to know is to get to know someone from SMu and to observe each and every actions etc of that person! hahaha...
Nick ... suffering from this particular syndrome right now!
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