End of Exams --- Rest & RElax
Exams are finally over. In what seemed like a blink another term had ended again. 15 weeks and i hardly remember anything that took place.
Met up with Yu Hua after my last paper. Planned to go for the Sintex IT Show over at Expo. I wanted to buy a camera actually, however, the show was a disappointment. Well, since we didn't get to buy anything during the show, we turned out attention over to the nearby John Little Mega Sales!
Ended up spending close to $170 manz! Damned! All Yu hua's fault! If not for her constant instigation i would never had spent so much! lol.
Since the exams are finally over, it's time to rest and relax. This thus also means that it's time for Mahjong! Met up with Yu hua's friend Janet (Ah sim) to have dinner followed by a Mahjong session.
Had our dinner over at one of the Indian restaurant in Little India. Curry Fish Head. Not too bad. Kinda expensive though, cost us ard 8 bucks each.

Met up with Yu Hua after my last paper. Planned to go for the Sintex IT Show over at Expo. I wanted to buy a camera actually, however, the show was a disappointment. Well, since we didn't get to buy anything during the show, we turned out attention over to the nearby John Little Mega Sales!
Ended up spending close to $170 manz! Damned! All Yu hua's fault! If not for her constant instigation i would never had spent so much! lol.
Since the exams are finally over, it's time to rest and relax. This thus also means that it's time for Mahjong! Met up with Yu hua's friend Janet (Ah sim) to have dinner followed by a Mahjong session.
Had our dinner over at one of the Indian restaurant in Little India. Curry Fish Head. Not too bad. Kinda expensive though, cost us ard 8 bucks each.
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