JB Outing with BOND------ FINALLY - Sunday
It had been so long since the whole group of us (Bond 59) went to JB together. I think the last time is at least one year ago manz. Even my Jusco card had expired! Well, as per the norm, whenever all of us (6 of us) are out on a outing, the whole day will be about eating and more eating with some shopping in between. And the first stop is a 'coffee shop'. 

As can be seen below, the second stop right after the 'coffeeshop' is Manhattan Fish Market. That's lunch. Actually none of us are hungry then, but well.... that's what i wanna eat.. so no choice, everyone had to go with me. The standard seemed to have dropped somehow. Not only is it not as tasty but the portion is also smaller. Kinda disappointed.
And do u know what we have after Manhattan? We had KFC and Papparoti. Oh manz, i really love the Papparoti! All of the stalls are gone in singapore. What a pity manz. It really taste damn good!

See the pic below? It had been really a long time since we are all out together. IT feels like the good old days! Everyone have changed so much since the first time we went to JB together. Been years. So many things have taken place. I had been to States, and china. Terence's going to graduate soon. What will things like in a few years' time?
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