One of my friend - Mahjong Khaki - gave me a pair of movie tickets recently. It's those kinda Corporate events, by CitiBank. Well, the show is Ratatouille, a show about a rat who can really cook. Hmm, guess everyone should have a rough idea of the show given all the advertisments etc that's surrounding the show.
The venue of the show is over at Suntec, thus i met up with one of my best friend for the movie. As well as to go the the Comex show. Actually i really wanted to buy a camera, cos my current one is kinda shitty as well as i'm going exchange soon thus a new camera would really be good.
Well, we had our late lunch followed by having some coffee to satisfy the caffine crave that both of us were having then. Decided to buy some mocha ice blended over at 'san francisco coffee', something like that lar. Can't really remmeber the name that well.
What i do remember about the joint is that i had the customer service level over there. Not only do they take more than 10 mins to prepare the drinks, they really don't have common sense. Why do i say so? Look at the pic below, see where i'm sitting? Instead of passing the drinks to me where i'm sitting, they passed the drink to us over at the counter and made me walk over. STUPID!! ALthough i really like the drink, i don't think i'll ever patronise the joint again, cos the CS really SUCKS!
The free tix is really worth it, not only does it comes with 2 tixs, there are also free popcorn and nacho combos! Love it. whahaa. Cos i love nachos. The popcorn? Nahz... we decided to give it a miss.
The best thing is that there was even buffet dinner served prior to the movie. Shiok. And the food is not too bad, quite nice.
LAstly, in the spirit of watching the show, i've taken some pics of a hamster as well as a short video of the hamster. LOlz. The hamster is SO........... Cute!! OMG> I named him/her the thirsty Hamster cos it kept drinking from the bottle for at least a few mins! U'll love him/her!
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