Location: singapore, Singapore

Nothing special about me. Just a regular laid back guy.

Friday, May 04, 2007


Although there are a hell lot of things that i have to do these days istill managed to meet up with 2 of my friends for dinner. One is going to states for work and travel (even to the same work place as i did last year), that's why i met her (cheryl) for dinner. To pass her stuff as well as to get away from all those work that have been tormenting me for the past few days.

Another friends is Yin Zhu (from SRJC). Haven seen her for ages. Because of a past relationship that she had with another classmate of ours, thus she seldom attend those JC gatherings that we have cos the guy will be present.

Just had a short conversation with one of my army buddy earlier on. A simple 'hey, how are u?' kinda conversation. But somehow, deep within, something changed.

This feeling. This seemingly dangerous but yet familiar feeling and that i haven experience for quite sometime.

Memories. Friends. All these images of the past. All those memories of days spent loitering ard kovan with ur JC friends. All those days of me lazing ard in camp with ur army buddies talking cock.

IT hit me that i really do miss the old days. I miss those days much more than what i am going through now. I miss the stupid things that we all do together in the past.

I thought everything is fine. But it's fine isn't it? What's wrong with my life not? But if it's fine, then why am i feeling what i'm feeling now?

Why do i miss those days so much. So much so that it bring me almost to tears just thinking of it. Cos i know that i will nv be able to go back to those days. EVen if the same ppl is to come back together for gatherings etc, things arent' gonna be the same.

Life. This is what life's all about. Ppl come into ur life and ppl goes. Do i understand this only now? Or is this NEW to me? Nahz..

I think this is the reason why i don't really have any close friends in school nowadays. Of course there are ppl who i can talk to, study together, eat together. Maybe go out once in like a term. But that's not the point. Cos deep down, things are very different.

And also, could it be that it's cos i am in the phase of uni now, that's why i think that those friends that i have in school are not really the same? cos i haven 'lost' them yet, so i will only miss them when i lose them.... well, it remains to be seen ...



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