Location: singapore, Singapore

Nothing special about me. Just a regular laid back guy.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Procrastination Revisited.

Procrastination. This seems to be the 'in' thing nowadays. EVerybody ard me are using it. Proj mates from SMu, friends outside etc etc. Everyone at one time or other are always pushing things back, thinking that someday, they will get down to doing it. Someday. That's it

This word / process / action, whatever u wanna call it is deeply integrated with the way i think, the way i do things etc. It influence me in almost everything that i do. Nothing is ever done beforehand these days. Or at least not for me.

Reports that's coming due does not get a brief attendance with me untill when it's urgent enough.

I still vaguely remember the rare days that i can stretch out lazily on my huge queen size bed. Although i didn't change a new bed or whatsoever, somehow, the size of the bed seemed to have shrinked quite a bit. Now it looks like a super single r something like that. Long gone are the days where i could tose and turn on my bed. All that i could do now is to lie still and get my damn sleep! THe sad truth is that one third of the bed is too often than not covered with clothes that are waiting to be folded and shelved. THat's the right side. THe left side are full of the unnecessary stuff that i have on my bed, like DVDs (at least 10 of them), Phone, extra pillows etc, caps, belts. You name it and u shall find it!

Just take a look at the last frequency of my blog entries these days and u should be able to see he works of procrastination. It really took me a lot of determination to log in and write this entry instead of giving in and telling myself that i will write this some other time.

This phenomenon should be labelled as one of the deadly sins and join ranks with the existing 7 deadly sins. For the benefit of those who have no *ucking idea what are the 7 deadly sins: Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride.

For now, i would like to state one of my 'resolution for the new year' (although 3 months had already past): I, Kwok Shi Yong (Nick), hereby swear that i would to the very best of my ability (given my weak determination and all) try to fight procrastination..... hahaha



Anonymous Anonymous said...

U had changed. Just like another frend of mine. Tot u had grown fat that ur bed had shrinked. Keke. U did balloned a little rite?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 7:11:00 PM  

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