The Circle Xperience: Day 02
Woke up around 0630. Still really tired !! Haa haa. Sleep's never enough isn't it ?? And as usual, the food catered for us Sux big time ....!!! 1st activity of the day is the 'Spiderweb'. Honestly, i've never thought that we'll be able to complete it ..!! Cis it seemed so impossible, cos the holes are so small and far too little...!! There's only enough holes that's big enough for all of us to pass through. We took quite a while to 'warm up' to the activity. Failed a couple of times due to stupid mistakes er;"me touching the web', 'tian wei hitting the web
when crawling'. We didn't manage to complete the activity within the stipulated time though. Really disappointed and demoralised. But we 'fuck it' and continued on. Finished it like 15 mins after the time allocated. But it's ok, cos it goes to show that we're united, cohesive etc etc. Really like our group when we display such perserverance and determination and fighting spirit...!! Just like those days in NPCC and OCS. ..!! Makes me felt so 'alive'. Get it ?? ha haa. This kinda activity really brings all of us together..!! Got to talk and joke etc etc.Rather impressed with Zhi Rui during this activity cos he volunteered to be the first one to crawl under the web and makes himself so dirty ....!!! So 'selfless'...!!
The 2nd Activity of the day was 'Low Wall'. It wasn't really that 'Low' actually. Had to do a 'chin-up' to get across. And all the girl's perfect....!! Really great. Gave no prob at all. But one of the Girls did created some problem. Guess who ?? It's Jia hui. Don't really know why, but she couldn't life up her leg to get across the wall..!! Always don't wanna move that leg of hers. Haiz. Though i know that i shouldn't be feeling the way that i am rite now and also at that moment. But she really got to my nerves at times...!! Hope that she'll change as time goes by, if not i really don't know how she'll survive. I know how it feels to be lonely and outcast, so i really don't want her to go through it as well.
But really happy thta our group managed to do the 'wall thingy' really fast. Our grp's really starting to become really fun/cohesive and united..!! All those effects of bonding together can be seen in the things that we said and those things that we do. Especially during those de-briefs sessions. Can see that the comments are getting more meaningful etc etc. No longer just those superficial comments anymore.
Had a game after lunch. 'Human chariot'. The game sucks...!! Zhi Rui and i had to carry Christine on our shoulders for the whole game. So freaking tiring...!!! My shoulders hurt likee hell man !! Zhi rui too..... The Game sux.... No one like it...!! A waste of time.....
We packed and left to move to the other Campsite (Chinese Garden) after the game. We had to walk all the way there, like 'amazing race' like that, with quite a few stops and checkpts to reach etc etc. We are slow man ...!! haa haa...
(Look at the 2's Awkard positions...!!)
We are the 2nd last group to reach Chinese Garden....!! haa haa..Really disappointed man. Think that i've let the grp down. Anyway, i wasn't really very happy with Shun Wei throughout the whole camp for a few reasons. One is that he's always not taking me seriously . Always thinking thta i'm a joker etc etc. Haiz ......In fact, i think the whole grp's having the whole perception of me...!! Damn it..... The other thing that i hated about him is that he always seemed to be holding himself back....!! Don't wanna take the lead in doing stuffs etc etc. Thus ending up with always Zhi Rui and me leading the OG. Though i do admit that i did loved to do it, but there are times whereby i do get tired of all this stuffs etc etc.

I truly truly believed that he's capable of a lot more, of giving more to the group. Don't know what's holding him back though. Haiz..... and the same goes to Tian wei ...!! Rather disappointed with them. They are definitely better and more capable than me. Haiz ..... It's almost dinner time when we reached Chinese Garden..haa haa .......
The 2nd night was rather boring. Nothing much. They should have included more programmes for the night. Cos there isn't anything to do at night....!!Played some card games b4 going to sleep. Played 'bluff'. Tian wei and Janice's great at the game......!! Really. Slept after a few games. Cos everyone's really shag out...!! haa haa
The bathing session was a lot better than the first night. The water's really strong ...!! power.....Though i've only got to know my grp for only 2 days, i really felt quite close to them.....!! Especially a few of them like Shun Wei, Adeline, Zhi Rui etc etc. Really hope that i'll not screw up again this time round. Really don't wanna ruin this chance and friendship.

The 2nd Activity of the day was 'Low Wall'. It wasn't really that 'Low' actually. Had to do a 'chin-up' to get across. And all the girl's perfect....!! Really great. Gave no prob at all. But one of the Girls did created some problem. Guess who ?? It's Jia hui. Don't really know why, but she couldn't life up her leg to get across the wall..!! Always don't wanna move that leg of hers. Haiz. Though i know that i shouldn't be feeling the way that i am rite now and also at that moment. But she really got to my nerves at times...!! Hope that she'll change as time goes by, if not i really don't know how she'll survive. I know how it feels to be lonely and outcast, so i really don't want her to go through it as well.
But really happy thta our group managed to do the 'wall thingy' really fast. Our grp's really starting to become really fun/cohesive and united..!! All those effects of bonding together can be seen in the things that we said and those things that we do. Especially during those de-briefs sessions. Can see that the comments are getting more meaningful etc etc. No longer just those superficial comments anymore.
Had a game after lunch. 'Human chariot'. The game sucks...!! Zhi Rui and i had to carry Christine on our shoulders for the whole game. So freaking tiring...!!! My shoulders hurt likee hell man !! Zhi rui too..... The Game sux.... No one like it...!! A waste of time.....
We packed and left to move to the other Campsite (Chinese Garden) after the game. We had to walk all the way there, like 'amazing race' like that, with quite a few stops and checkpts to reach etc etc. We are slow man ...!! haa haa...
We are the 2nd last group to reach Chinese Garden....!! haa haa..Really disappointed man. Think that i've let the grp down. Anyway, i wasn't really very happy with Shun Wei throughout the whole camp for a few reasons. One is that he's always not taking me seriously . Always thinking thta i'm a joker etc etc. Haiz ......In fact, i think the whole grp's having the whole perception of me...!! Damn it..... The other thing that i hated about him is that he always seemed to be holding himself back....!! Don't wanna take the lead in doing stuffs etc etc. Thus ending up with always Zhi Rui and me leading the OG. Though i do admit that i did loved to do it, but there are times whereby i do get tired of all this stuffs etc etc.
I truly truly believed that he's capable of a lot more, of giving more to the group. Don't know what's holding him back though. Haiz..... and the same goes to Tian wei ...!! Rather disappointed with them. They are definitely better and more capable than me. Haiz ..... It's almost dinner time when we reached Chinese Garden..haa haa .......
The 2nd night was rather boring. Nothing much. They should have included more programmes for the night. Cos there isn't anything to do at night....!!Played some card games b4 going to sleep. Played 'bluff'. Tian wei and Janice's great at the game......!! Really. Slept after a few games. Cos everyone's really shag out...!! haa haa
The bathing session was a lot better than the first night. The water's really strong ...!! power.....Though i've only got to know my grp for only 2 days, i really felt quite close to them.....!! Especially a few of them like Shun Wei, Adeline, Zhi Rui etc etc. Really hope that i'll not screw up again this time round. Really don't wanna ruin this chance and friendship.
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