Pre- Exams Retreat!! -- Johor Bahru (JB) Outing with Bond59 !!!
Been a long time since Bond 59 had a full blown outing to JB! haha. This is a really fun trip i would say.... Though it still retains some of the usual activitines such as having a meal over @ our favourite Manhattan FIsh Market, however, we tried many new things such as the discovery of new joints to eat @ and new things to do!
Was really disappointed with the food @ Manhattan Fish Market yesterday. wasn't as good as it used to be. OR maybe it is because we didn't order the same things that we usually do. And by the way, the Caesar Salad we had there was the lousiest i had even had. It is really bad, smell like shit and look disgusting.
The 2nd place we ate at is called the Nandos. Not too bad, i like the garlic sauce. kinda nice. And the whole atmosphere is rather cosy too. I like the fact that there is a lot of colours around, like the sauces and the decor.
well, somehow all of us were 'obsessed' with the different types of PERI PERI sauce they have.

See our beloved terence below. trying to show off his recent Gym Sessions. I'm sure dripping eyedrops won't require so much strength right?

Guess what's our next activity after Nandos? We Moved on to buy lotsa of bread from the chain 'Lavender'. It's disgusting, we bought so many as if we haven eaten anything for the whole day here in fact we had been eating non-stop for the past few hours. Once we finished the purchase of the bread, we moved to a joint 'old town white coffee' to have some drinks and to finish up those bread!

One of the special bread that they have is a charcoal bread. What the hell! And i promise u the colour of that bread is really as depicted in the picture above. It's kinda interesting but it's not that cheap. it's 3.50RM for a small loaf. Well, but i guess a lot of people don't mind paying that amount for some novelty! haha
The 2nd place we ate at is called the Nandos. Not too bad, i like the garlic sauce. kinda nice. And the whole atmosphere is rather cosy too. I like the fact that there is a lot of colours around, like the sauces and the decor.
Next we went to 'grocery' shop @ Jusco and one thing caught my eye. They actually have a non-halal section which as the name suggests where all the non-halal food are stored and sold. Kinda amazed. There are even all sorts of non halal instant noodles in there!
Well, the car is kinda full from all the shopping once we are done with the store. look @ the number of plastic bags that we have! DamneD! I don't think my friends will be able to recognise me after this 2 weeks since i will be staying home to study for exams and also eating all those tidbits that I've procured!
Secret Recipe! haha. This is a must go for us even ever we went to JB cos it's so freakingly cheap! although i don't really like cakes but it's still worth it. There are some which are my favourites though, worth trying out are: Apple crumble cheesecakes, choc banana, choc marshmallow!
Oh ya, and since the bday of our of our members, Kelvin is coming soon, we decided to dedicate a bday song for him that day. it was so funny cos we sang it really softly and 'secretly'. Really amusing.
Time for some fried chicken! manz! this is like the don't know how many meals that we had for that day. Kinda disgusted with ourselves! Guess i would gain @ least 3 kg from this one day of madness. Well, it's exam time what, so should indulge!
AFter KFC we went off to PElangi and go BOWLING! MAnz! i don't even think we ever went bowling together as a group. haha, everyone was so excited! Even bought new socks just so that we can all go bowling! On right? hahahaa
well, if u are wondering if i'm wearing those socks then the ans would be .......................NO!!! oh come on, do u really believe i would wear those?
Ended up the 闪亮三姐妹 were in the same group. hahaha...(see below)

So guess who's the winner! of course it's my group! hahaha. I'm the top scorer lo. THough i think it's purely luck instead of real skills but still it makes me feel good! haha.
to prove that we really take this competition seriously, look @ TErence below! haha, look at the strain in his face and the amount of concentration and focus!
And since this is the first time we are bowling together, we kinda came up with the idea of having a mini competition and we split into 2 competing groups. The losing team will have to treat the other team to MORE FOOD! hahaha ... SATAY! and by looking @ the pictures below it's pretty obvious that we are really serious about the competition right? haha
Where's this place that you had your nasi lemak? Care to give more info?
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