The Circle Xperience: Day 03
Woke up really Early today ...!! Supposed to wake up at 0530. But everyone's so tired that no one wakes up in time....!! Haa haa. Rather mad with shun wei in the morning...!! Cos he went off to the toilet and wash up etc in the morning without asking/waiting for all of us... But it's ok, cos i get to sleep more..!! haa haa
We start off the last day with a 'Scavenger Hunt' which is actually a treasure hunt thingy around Chinese garden. I think that we've done really really well for this. We managed to complete 3 stations and finished first...!!! Too bad that there's no reward/points for being the fastest group to complete it. This is the part whereby i find that the ppl organising the camp didn't really do a good job. But who cares about the points ?? haahaa...What really mattered is that all of us had lotsa fun throughout the activity and had lotsa laughters....
The activityafter the hunt was 'Rafting'. Personally, i felt that the 'raft-building' was a disaster...!! I've never build such a lousy and useless raft before.

The materials given was not very enough and useful, but the worst thing was that the 'ropes' given to us for tying the fart. It's not even ropes...!! It's just 'Rafia strings' and those had being used before.....!!! Really sucky...!1 Though our grp still won the 'raft competition'. It's shit la, cos we;re not Rafting but walking, and the water's so Shallow ....!! Everyone's practically walking across....!! But we won, so it's ok ..!1 haa haa
The activity after rafting is the 'mini dragon boat thingy' I'm actually supposed to go for only 1 round, the 2nd round. But when i managed to catch up with the rest of the groups and close up the gap bwt us and the other grp, they got me to be the 'coxswain' for the third and final
round...!! Actually deep down i'm quite happy that they asked me to go again. That means that i'm doing a good job....!! Think that it's due to the fact of my kayaking background. Tat's why i could control the 'mini dragon boat' well.
Had a de-brief session again after all of our 3 activities for the morning. The morale of our OG's really amazing...!! Really high.... One of the mai reason as to why our morale's so high is due to the fact that we came in first in all of the 3 activities...!! Really happy....!! We had a really great 'de-brief' session. Cos it;s not so structured as per the previous 'de-briefs' sessions. It's very engaging. Everyone's saying things etc, it's not those kinda going round a circle thingy.
We had some 'top-up' food for tes-break after the de-brief. Had some Pratas...!1 Tasted really good as compared to those food that had being catered 4 lunch and dinner for the past 2 days....!! The packed food Sux...!! The stupid thing is that we'll be having lunch after the prata thingy ...!! haa haa......
The last activity of out camp was 'WaR'. Using water pistols that we managed to 'buy' during the 'scavenfer' hunt earlier in the morning.... Our OG's pathetic....!!
cos we only managed to buy all the small guns etc..But surprisingly, we managed to win the War ...!! ha haa..Though out section (5) won, we really really don't enjoy the Game...!! Cos it's stupid. It's not fair etc. Not fun at all...!! It's really a waste of time ..!! But we did enjoyed ourselves 'shooting' at each other.....!!
We took lots of pictures after the 'War'. Most of the pics are taken by the guys from Smu's photography club..!! We took lots of pics and lots of those 'SMU Junp' pics...!!

Think those pics r really really nice..!! Really touched with the fact that all of the ppl in our OG's so active and Onz when taking the pics etc etc.....
Ok ok, now we've come to the end of the camp...!! Suddenly i am hit by the realisation that i've grew to love the ppl in out grp...!! Especially Adeline, Shun Wei, Zhi Rui, Janice etc etc.... Never had i thought that this would happen b4 the camp, as i've said, i've being really skeptical of the camp b4 i went for it. But it really turns out amazingly well..!!
We had a 'peer-apprasial' thingy before going back home. It involves all of us passing our red SMU's notebook around for the rest of our OG members to write down comments about us. Really happy of what they said about me. Hope that they like my commentss too....!! But i would like to hear bad things about me too...
Lynnette and Shireen gave us the last words b4 going back home. Really very emotionally unstable etc at that point of time. Especially when Lynnette started to to cry. I almost cried too. If the last words thingy is to go whole round and everyone specks, i really think that i would have cried...!! Don't think that i'll be able to control my emotions any further...!!
It really torn me apart when we had to go separate ways and go home...!!
Though i do wanna go home etc, but it really hurts to leave all of them...!! Though the camp's only 3 days, i felt really close to them at the end of it..!! Argh ....!! Hope that all of us will become real good friends...!!

Ya, that's about it ...!! Bye....!!!
We start off the last day with a 'Scavenger Hunt' which is actually a treasure hunt thingy around Chinese garden. I think that we've done really really well for this. We managed to complete 3 stations and finished first...!!! Too bad that there's no reward/points for being the fastest group to complete it. This is the part whereby i find that the ppl organising the camp didn't really do a good job. But who cares about the points ?? haahaa...What really mattered is that all of us had lotsa fun throughout the activity and had lotsa laughters....
The activityafter the hunt was 'Rafting'. Personally, i felt that the 'raft-building' was a disaster...!! I've never build such a lousy and useless raft before.

The materials given was not very enough and useful, but the worst thing was that the 'ropes' given to us for tying the fart. It's not even ropes...!! It's just 'Rafia strings' and those had being used before.....!!! Really sucky...!1 Though our grp still won the 'raft competition'. It's shit la, cos we;re not Rafting but walking, and the water's so Shallow ....!! Everyone's practically walking across....!! But we won, so it's ok ..!1 haa haa
The activity after rafting is the 'mini dragon boat thingy' I'm actually supposed to go for only 1 round, the 2nd round. But when i managed to catch up with the rest of the groups and close up the gap bwt us and the other grp, they got me to be the 'coxswain' for the third and final

round...!! Actually deep down i'm quite happy that they asked me to go again. That means that i'm doing a good job....!! Think that it's due to the fact of my kayaking background. Tat's why i could control the 'mini dragon boat' well.
Had a de-brief session again after all of our 3 activities for the morning. The morale of our OG's really amazing...!! Really high.... One of the mai reason as to why our morale's so high is due to the fact that we came in first in all of the 3 activities...!! Really happy....!! We had a really great 'de-brief' session. Cos it;s not so structured as per the previous 'de-briefs' sessions. It's very engaging. Everyone's saying things etc, it's not those kinda going round a circle thingy.
We had some 'top-up' food for tes-break after the de-brief. Had some Pratas...!1 Tasted really good as compared to those food that had being catered 4 lunch and dinner for the past 2 days....!! The packed food Sux...!! The stupid thing is that we'll be having lunch after the prata thingy ...!! haa haa......
The last activity of out camp was 'WaR'. Using water pistols that we managed to 'buy' during the 'scavenfer' hunt earlier in the morning.... Our OG's pathetic....!!

cos we only managed to buy all the small guns etc..But surprisingly, we managed to win the War ...!! ha haa..Though out section (5) won, we really really don't enjoy the Game...!! Cos it's stupid. It's not fair etc. Not fun at all...!! It's really a waste of time ..!! But we did enjoyed ourselves 'shooting' at each other.....!!
We took lots of pictures after the 'War'. Most of the pics are taken by the guys from Smu's photography club..!! We took lots of pics and lots of those 'SMU Junp' pics...!!

Think those pics r really really nice..!! Really touched with the fact that all of the ppl in our OG's so active and Onz when taking the pics etc etc.....
Ok ok, now we've come to the end of the camp...!! Suddenly i am hit by the realisation that i've grew to love the ppl in out grp...!! Especially Adeline, Shun Wei, Zhi Rui, Janice etc etc.... Never had i thought that this would happen b4 the camp, as i've said, i've being really skeptical of the camp b4 i went for it. But it really turns out amazingly well..!!
We had a 'peer-apprasial' thingy before going back home. It involves all of us passing our red SMU's notebook around for the rest of our OG members to write down comments about us. Really happy of what they said about me. Hope that they like my commentss too....!! But i would like to hear bad things about me too...
Lynnette and Shireen gave us the last words b4 going back home. Really very emotionally unstable etc at that point of time. Especially when Lynnette started to to cry. I almost cried too. If the last words thingy is to go whole round and everyone specks, i really think that i would have cried...!! Don't think that i'll be able to control my emotions any further...!!
It really torn me apart when we had to go separate ways and go home...!!
Though i do wanna go home etc, but it really hurts to leave all of them...!! Though the camp's only 3 days, i felt really close to them at the end of it..!! Argh ....!! Hope that all of us will become real good friends...!!

Ya, that's about it ...!! Bye....!!!
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