Vivace - SMU's CCA Day
Drove to Dhoby Ghout to meet the 'Yakuzas' this morning. Picked up Janice and then went down with her.
Luckily she knew the way, if not i'll surely get lost.
We're there early, therefore i decided to buy some titbits etc from 7-11 using the &7.50 left from last night's supper.
One really funny thing occured. Those who turn up for 'Closing Time' were all on time while those who were late were all of those who didn't turn up. Anyway, they had Burger King's Breakfast. I didn't eat. Didn't want to, cos i'm freaking poor....!!!All the rest ate, except Shun wei. He's funny, always eat before meeting ppl to eat.
Got to know one more person from our OG who didn't turn up for the Orientation Camp. She's Mei Qi. Quite a pleasant girl. Too bad that she didn't turn up for the camp. If not we'll definitely know one another better......Glad that she joined us for breakfast though. Think she might have a rather bad impression of me. Cos i really talked a lot of crap for the whole moening. Ever since we met her....
And the stupid Lynnette play us out. Say she couldn't wake up. Lousy her...!! Met uu over at the New Campus instead. Another Girl met us over at the new campus also. She's called Stella. The new campus look rather nice. Not too bad. Got inter-linking underpass as well. It doesn't look like a sch at all. Look so commercialised. Like some office like that...haa haa.... i'm going to be there for 4 years....!! Damn. Hope that it'll be a fantastic 4 years. Really really hope so. Really don't wanna waste 4 years of my life...!!
4 years of sch and we have to chose our CCAs ...!! Don't know what i am really interested in also. Haiz..... Just gave my name for a few of the CCAs, that's all..... Actually i'm really interested in Thus i signed up for the Badminton's recreation club only...haiz....
Rather interested in the SMUX and many others also. Hope that things will turn up well....!! Quite confusing and rush for me though. Didn't even have time to sign up for the SMUX membership!!! Cos i have to rush back for Mum's ROM...!! It's over at Yew Tee Community Centre.
Rushed back even b4 i could finish all the booths.... Didn't even have the time to view and consider all the booths...Haiz.... Hope that i'll make the wrong choice in the end and hope that they'll have another enrolment exercies....!!!

We're there early, therefore i decided to buy some titbits etc from 7-11 using the &7.50 left from last night's supper.
One really funny thing occured. Those who turn up for 'Closing Time' were all on time while those who were late were all of those who didn't turn up. Anyway, they had Burger King's Breakfast. I didn't eat. Didn't want to, cos i'm freaking poor....!!!All the rest ate, except Shun wei. He's funny, always eat before meeting ppl to eat.
Got to know one more person from our OG who didn't turn up for the Orientation Camp. She's Mei Qi. Quite a pleasant girl. Too bad that she didn't turn up for the camp. If not we'll definitely know one another better......Glad that she joined us for breakfast though. Think she might have a rather bad impression of me. Cos i really talked a lot of crap for the whole moening. Ever since we met her....

And the stupid Lynnette play us out. Say she couldn't wake up. Lousy her...!! Met uu over at the New Campus instead. Another Girl met us over at the new campus also. She's called Stella. The new campus look rather nice. Not too bad. Got inter-linking underpass as well. It doesn't look like a sch at all. Look so commercialised. Like some office like that...haa haa.... i'm going to be there for 4 years....!! Damn. Hope that it'll be a fantastic 4 years. Really really hope so. Really don't wanna waste 4 years of my life...!!
4 years of sch and we have to chose our CCAs ...!! Don't know what i am really interested in also. Haiz..... Just gave my name for a few of the CCAs, that's all..... Actually i'm really interested in Thus i signed up for the Badminton's recreation club only...haiz....
Rather interested in the SMUX and many others also. Hope that things will turn up well....!! Quite confusing and rush for me though. Didn't even have time to sign up for the SMUX membership!!! Cos i have to rush back for Mum's ROM...!! It's over at Yew Tee Community Centre.
Rushed back even b4 i could finish all the booths.... Didn't even have the time to view and consider all the booths...Haiz.... Hope that i'll make the wrong choice in the end and hope that they'll have another enrolment exercies....!!!
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