Benedict's Wedding!
Today is one of my Army Buddy's Wedding. The Banquet is during lunch time. More like tea time actually cos it only started @ 2pm. IT's a good time actually cos everyone should be free and it ends early, so I pretty much have the rest of the day to myself. I'm really happy for BEn. He had really come a long way since NS and he looked so happy!
Kinda irritated that i don't hvae my voice today cos i really wanna do some catching up with all my army friends as i haven really seen for a really really long time!
BElow is Mr Fang Yeow and me! One of my closer friend from NS but I haven got the chance to meet him much eversince he got a Girlfriend! haha. HE should be the next one who's gonna get married! haha... That's also probably the next time i'll see him again!
My real buddy during my days in OCS (officer cadet school) is the guy on my left. THe one in white.
A really nasty incident took place during the 'Lunch'. The stupid waiter who was serving us drinks actually spill a glass of wine onto my buddy and me! What the hell right??? The worse thing is that it kinda drenched my buddy's camera! Haha ... his D40 or something. Fortunately the camera is unharmed cos some of these pictures were taken during the aftermath.
trying to act cool. Dont' understand why! IT's not even their wedding! haha.
One question that keeps coming up during the meal is who's gonna be the next one getting married? haha. Seriously, i don't really care and i can be really confident that i won't be the one. Not that i don't wanna love someone and be with that someone. I just don't see myself going down that path anytime soon or rather anytime in the future and in the distant future! haha
okok, enough said. Really enjoyed myself today those guys!
I know it's really gay but i have to say it! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! MUACKS!

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