3 Down 2 to GO: Mid Exam Break - KTV @ JB
Finished my AA (Advanced Audit) paper yesterday. Kinda crappy. Cos it's kinda common sense thingy and i don't really know what the Prof is asking for or looking out for in the paper. Worse of all there is this 10 marks question on "the Theory of Utilitarianism" which i have no *ucking clue on what it is!!! Hence i kinda lost that 10 marks cos i don't know what to write @ all. This is like the other time when i had my TWC (Techonology and world change) paper, the same thing happened (but that part was 25%).
Anyway went to JB with Chris after my exam. Went to Neway KTV! KTV + Buffet! haha..... Quite shiok actually.
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