FA Quiz , Bond 59 Steamboat Buffet..!!
FA Lesson today ..!! Damn it.. I didn't make it for last week's lesson, reason's simple, cos i overslept...!! And guess what ? I overslept again this morning...!! Think there's just some problem with my Alarm Clock la. Look so cute (see pic) but useless.
Always disappoint me..!! Haa haa ,..... Think giving to Gurung Guni soon man...!!
Anwaym I kinda didn't listen to FA lesson today, cos everything like nonsense like that, cannot even understand what the prof talking about la, also i think it's partly due to the fact that i've kinda read up a little of it in the text liao , so i ya ya papaya ma, dun wanna listen..!! ha haa
Anyway, we had a FA test today in the afternoon, like around 3pm, so ya, have to waste time slacking around and also try to study a little. But ya, didn't manage to study much . All thanks to Michelle ...!! Damn it.. Cos she dun wanna study then use my lappy and play those chinese songs. So ya, so a lot of u might know, i cannot resist the temptation to sing, so it became a KTV session man ..!! haa haa
SO in the end, we end up with a few grps of ppl. They are the muggers,
the sleepy ppl (like Christine)
and also those KTVing ppl like me ...!! haa haa

Anwaym I kinda didn't listen to FA lesson today, cos everything like nonsense like that, cannot even understand what the prof talking about la, also i think it's partly due to the fact that i've kinda read up a little of it in the text liao , so i ya ya papaya ma, dun wanna listen..!! ha haa
Anyway, we had a FA test today in the afternoon, like around 3pm, so ya, have to waste time slacking around and also try to study a little. But ya, didn't manage to study much . All thanks to Michelle ...!! Damn it.. Cos she dun wanna study then use my lappy and play those chinese songs. So ya, so a lot of u might know, i cannot resist the temptation to sing, so it became a KTV session man ..!! haa haa
SO in the end, we end up with a few grps of ppl. They are the muggers,
Meet up with Hui yee they all for Dinner over at AMK again ,...!! Over at the Steamboat thingy ..!! haah aa.....Frankly specking, i dun really like to eat ther... Food also not nice, then will eat till very sianzzzzzzzzzzz one.
.... So ya.... But ya, had quite a interesting and fufilling conversation. A rather serious one, one that we had never really taken on b4, so ya, kinda like it, at least we also can talk about serious stuffs and not only talk rubbish rite ?? haa haa So ya...then it's back to MSN after i reach home...So freaking tired now, so i'm going to sleep liao ...!!
Thanks lor.... Thanks for choosing such a 'nice' pic of me.... looks like some spastic creature.....
im not a mugger!!! nonononono!!!
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