LTB Mtg on a SAT ...!!!!!
Today's Saturday, and damn it la ..!! I had to go to school still ...!! For LTB meeting, argh ...!!!!! Really sucky la, hv being going to sch for 2 consecutive Saturday. But ok la...!! I had Mooncakes for Breakfast ..haa haa haa , mum forced me to bring it to sch, so ya, i dun have a choice..!!haa haa
ANyway the meeeting wasn't very good..., not really much progress ..!! Especially on my part, cos i really don't know much about the topic that we are presenting on, so ya, felt kinda bad about it la, cos i like a slacker like that. But ya, i still had fun la, cos i took pics with Jia Ling
and Eric haa haa...
And i got a Mild shocked in sch somewhere near the Kopitiam's Stairs. Cos they have this exhibit there that are kinda freaky la.... see the pic and you'll know..!! haa haa.
And the worst thing is that i have to go for the SMUX's Night Bike in the evening, 630pm at East Coast..!! So i was kinda caught in a fix, don't know as to whether i should go home or jus hang around then go to East coast. but ya, i decided to go home and sleep for a while b4 going for night bike.
ANyway the meeeting wasn't very good..., not really much progress ..!! Especially on my part, cos i really don't know much about the topic that we are presenting on, so ya, felt kinda bad about it la, cos i like a slacker like that. But ya, i still had fun la, cos i took pics with Jia Ling

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