This is the last 'class' that we will having over @ Hark Music this term. This is not exactly a class, it is an end of term evaluation where we the students are supposed to sing a song to be 'evaluated'. See the picture below, they are supporters of us, the students!

The picture below not too bad right?quite nice what! Don't know why Weiling kept complaining that it's not nice, haha. Maybe because she don't look good lar. But i look fine, so it's ok.... .......
Look @ Shifan below, she is so serious listening to nothing! Don't know what she is doing actually, cos i'm not the one who took the picture. lol
Ting Ting & ME! Yes! She is our instructor. 
People are so vain nowadays, look @ All the people around that are trying to get into the picture eventhough it is obvious it is a picture of Jian Zheng and me. Look @ Stupid Brandon, Karyn and Winnie!

WEll, all good things always come to an end. And same for this term of fun and laughter. I guess i'll really miss these people since i'm going to china in like 2 hour's time!
Family Photo. We had so much fun this term. Although i'm sure my results will suffer because of that, it might very well be worth it. (i'll let u all know after i get my results whether is it worth it or not ok? aha)
Eng Teck and Wei ling below. Eng teck as usual always looks good, but can someone please tell Ms Chao Ta to smile properly? hahaha

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