Steamboat! with MIC People!
As a end of term gathering and a pre-departure gathering for the MIC people and me, i decided to prepare and host a Steamboat for them after our end of course evaluation @ Hark Music over @ my place. Felt kinda bad that they have to come all the way to Yew tee... but well, too bad!
Since i'm going to fly in a couple of hour's time, i don't really have time to write anymore, so i'll just post the picures first and write some other time etc. Anyway pictures are worth a thousand words right ? (Something like that).
Stupid girls, what is wrong with ms chao ta? NEver see prawns b4?ET is so happy giving out the chopsticks. I Wonder why.A Series of unglam pictures ! hahaha.Actually it's kinda nice, very REAL!
ET and me! Can see the height difference? So what if i'm fAT! AT least i'm much taller! haha (u know i'm kdding right? haha)
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