About Me
- Name: AtTitUde
- Location: singapore, Singapore
Nothing special about me. Just a regular laid back guy.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
My First Jog of the Year
Really have to exercise more these days because my IPPT window is closing soon! Think I have to clear my IPPT sometime in Feb. I won't wanna go for RT hence better buck up!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Year 2012!!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wisdom Tooth Operation, Food and Ulcers
Something happened last Friday which set off a chain of events leading up to today. This is what happened:
2000 - 2400hrs: 16th Oct, Last Friday
The Beginning
Around 7+, 8pm that faithful night, my normally over-sensitive tooth @ the rear of the right side of my jaws started giving me problem. Normally the pain will subside after a while or after i brush my teeth. However, not this time. The pain persists all the way into the night and even after my KTV session with my friends (Ah Fats and Terence San).
2400hrs - 0300 hrs: 16th Oct, Last Friday Night
Sleepless Night
Popped 2 Panadol before heading off to bed. However, the sleep wasn't as calm as hope. The pain was so bad that I woke up in the middle of the night @ 3am to take 2 more pills.
0800 – 1200hrs: 17th Oct, Saturday
Appointment & Badminton
The first think I did in the morning when I woke up was to google for a Dental Clinic that is open on Saturday. Managed to make an appointment for 12 noon.
Why 12 noon but not earlier??? That is because I have a badminton game arranged @ 10am that morning with my JC Classmate.
The people who turned up for the game was kinda random. They were all friends of friends etc. Even Uncle and Aunt of one of my friend’s friend turned up. What’s funnier was this conversation that I had with this guy. The conversation started off as a really standard one. We touched on area such as where do you live and how we both came to know my common friend. However, the interesting part came about when I asked him what is doing now, working or studying etc. Initially I thought that that I didn’t understand what he was saying etc. All I heard or thought I heard was the word ‘porridge.’ However, upon confirming with another random guy there, I realised that I did not hear it wrongly. The guy’s occupation is selling ‘frog leg porridge.’
1200-1300: 17th Oct, Saturday
Nothing special really. Just did some filling and also got convinced by the Dentist to go for my Wisdom tooth operation the following day.
1830-1730: 18th Oct, Sunday
This is an exciting Day. The op started with 4 injections into my gums and inner cheek to numb the area. It wasn’t so bad. It was followed by an X-Ray. What came after was kinda unexpected. The X-Ray showed that my wisdom tooth is really near to the nerve that is running below. What followed was kinda funny and scary @ the same time.
The Dentist asked me “can you feel the numbness in ur lip etc now?”
Me: Ya
Dentist: “Well, I have a bad news for you. Can you see the black line running below your teeth? That is the nerve. So, can you see that the nerve is very near to your wisdom tooth? Well, the numbness you are feeling could very well be temporary or permanent should there be any damage to the nerve in the op.
The op went rather well despite of the little scare before the op. My tooth seems like a tough nut to crack though. The Dentist seems to be having problems pulling out the tooth, even after splitting it into half. I felt like my jaws was about to fall off then.
23rd Oct, Friday
The ulcers finally came. And not just one or two. There are so many of them that I gie up counting also. It hurts much more than the post op pain. There are ulcers all the way from my lips to the back of my throat. Damn! I had been taking painkillers to ease the pain but it ain’t really helping so far. L
Just hope that the pain goes away soon. Well, to some extend I deserve it too. Why so? Cos I haven’t been watching what I eat after the op. I even went to Jumbo seafood with my friend 2 days back and had Mee Rebus yesterday.
Oh well, tomorrow’s the day for the stitches to go off and maybe another possible Molar extraction or Root Canal treatment which will take off one month of my pay. So yup, I’m just screwed, that it, period! L
Keep you guys posted.
Ulcers Nick
Friday, January 30, 2009
Matthijs and Eva Comes to Singapore
Friday, January 16, 2009
Bond59's Chalet 2009!!
Anyway, that is not the point of this entry. This entry is on the once in a year Bond59's Chalet (well, i hope it's gonna be a one in a year thingy).
Didn't really have much time to prepare for this chalet. I haven't really settle down back into school life and i have to go on another 'retreat'. However, the chalet does turns our pretty well. Kinda nice getting back to old days of talking rubbish, slacking and eating junk food.
The thing that 2 of my good friends are holding is a new roll of aluminium foil. A defective roll.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Steamboat! with MIC People!