Ghost Whisperer..makes me cry.
Never catch a single episode of this show at all when it was on channel 5. Recently my sis and I bought quite some DVDs, and this is one of the titles that we bought. The first thing that caught me about this show is that this show is not gonna be scary at all. It's alll about life and about familys, about gaining and giving forgiveness. It's about how we treat ppl and how we should actually treats ppl. It tells us that in life, not everything that takes place are well within our control but what we could do is to get over with it and learn from it if we could and look beyond it. Take what we could from it and then move on. And i tell u, every episode is really touching cos i almost cried at the end of every episode. Dang, i nv knew that i can cry so much as i almost finished the whole season worth of shows in 2 days! nick
Good bye EY... ...
10 weeks. Still remember the doubts, the fear, the uncertainties and the many other emotions that was surrounding me prior to the start of the internship program that i had unwisely applied for and somehow by some weird stroke of luck gotten into. (it must be cos of the fact that they are shorthanded as all i had was a phone interview!), oh ya, by the way my grades sux and i have absolutely not much of a CCA to speak of, so i don't see how i got have gotten in should they are not shorthanded.
AS usual, as with all change of environment etc, with that comes helluva other stuffs. Lotsa people to get to know, faces to remember, names to remember (which i absolutely can't do it at all), new technical stuff with regards to work to remember and learn. That's what i hated most when it comes to adapting to a new environment.
If u're thinking that i'm admitting my weakness here of not able to adapt well to new environment then u're wrong. As we all know, knowing oneself is one of the most important key to success. Knowing that one is weak at math will allow that person to put aside more time to work on it thus leading to success. So knowing that i hate changes and what i'm weak at might very well lead to a success in what i do!
Well well well, the key word here is 'MIGHT'! And according to, the meaning provided is not really very helpful as all that they did was to answer with another word 'MAY'! DANG! So here i go and type in the 3-letter word and see what we get. And guess what? The result is that it resulted in a fallacy (circulation), cos the meaning of 'MAY' is 'MIGHT'. ARGH!!
So yea, as u can see, this quest of seeking the meaning of the word 'might' hv been very unfruitful.. so i just have to trust that u ppl out there know what it means.
So did i succeed in adapting to the change in environment? Of course! Partially at least. lolx! Cos i really can't remember everyone's names, especially my fellow interns! Cos there's just so many of us around! But i do say that i am able to adapt well.
For guys out there, this is one of the most important thing in audit: mingle well and get along with ur team, especially ur seniors and the finance ppl over at ur client's place cos they are the ppl who will save ur arse and make work a lot less difficult than it already is for u!
Now that internship is over... And i had 1 week of rest from it. It really makes me think back and i really misses those ppl that i had known from there. Especially those few who bickered and laughed with me everyday of my last few weeks there (u ppl should know who u are!)
OkOK, i haven been writing, so hope this entry wasn't too shitty. i shall end off with a few pics of my 10 weeks of work.. yea... enjoy!

Sandora and me.
WeNing and me
Asher with her Pizzas!
Janice with her sleepy face.
Fellow intern... haha --- Mei Hui
Tired Ah FAT! haha, my Senior!!

Manager - EE Ling-- last day tea party
Family pic--whahhaa
Wendy and WeNing