Matthijs and Eva Comes to Singapore
It's coming to half a year since I came back from my international exchange program over @ Austria last summer 2008. Things have been rather hectic every since i came back from my exchange program due to school work, my new found CCA (secretary of the Music interactive Club) and also the involvement in my 2nd OCIP (overseas community involvement project) to Gui Zhou 贵州, China.
Hardly do i have much time to think about my exchange experience. Pictures had been 'put' aside and stored in my external harddisk, making way for new picture taken during the new term, CCA and OCIP.
2 friends, Eva and Matthijs, who attended the same school as me during my Exchange in Asutria came to visit Singapore during the CNY period. It made me realise that somehow, the interactions between the friends i made then and me had dwindled to almost nothing. Is this just what life is all about? You get to know a bunch of friends, get along, spend great time and moments together and then comes the time to go separate ways in life and the so called 'friendship' somehow take a step back and with time diminishes.