What Keeps Me Going ???
Got to know one of OCS Delta Wing's Cadet by the name of Nicholas (SaMe as Me..!!) recently. Managed to chat with him the other day online.
He asked me a question that really got me thinking of stuffs which i had being through back then when i was a cadet in Echo Wing.
The question was " what's the thing that keeps u going when you're super shag etc like out-feild etc".
I didn't know how to react to that question initially, thus i start off by telling him about what kind of cadet i am back then. How "fuck up" i am , how pessismistic i am back then ( or rather even till now ??) and how i took 6 times to pass my SOC etc etc ...!!! And all this set me thinking, how could i have pull through all these things and commission ??
So i drove my memory back to the times whereby all of us are super shag etc. I come to realise that it's really "love" that keeps me going. IT may sound kinda mushy etc, but it's not those kinda love. It's the love we have for one another as friends, buddies,brothers in arms.
It's the love that gives me the strength to go on etc. It's voices of ppl encouraging each other that gives me the strength to go on. Imagine if everyone's just as selfish and no one cares about one another, i don't think i would have come so far. yeah.... I truly believe that we draw strength from one another, maybe i may not have being of much use to many of my friends /plt mates back then, but i really want all of you out there to know that u guys are the ones that had given me the strength to push on time and again. Thanks......
yeah, that's about it, haha....frankly specking, i also don't reallly know what i'm talking about, so pls forgive me for that ...hahaha....
He asked me a question that really got me thinking of stuffs which i had being through back then when i was a cadet in Echo Wing.
The question was " what's the thing that keeps u going when you're super shag etc like out-feild etc".
I didn't know how to react to that question initially, thus i start off by telling him about what kind of cadet i am back then. How "fuck up" i am , how pessismistic i am back then ( or rather even till now ??) and how i took 6 times to pass my SOC etc etc ...!!! And all this set me thinking, how could i have pull through all these things and commission ??
So i drove my memory back to the times whereby all of us are super shag etc. I come to realise that it's really "love" that keeps me going. IT may sound kinda mushy etc, but it's not those kinda love. It's the love we have for one another as friends, buddies,brothers in arms.
yeah, that's about it, haha....frankly specking, i also don't reallly know what i'm talking about, so pls forgive me for that ...hahaha....