MJ & Day out with Bond (Ikea)
Somehow i seemed to have new Mahjong Khakis these days. Not exactly new as in all the ppl are new, rather, it's just the inclusion of someone who i normally don't play with. That person is Jas's friend Janet (Ah sim).
BEen playing mahjong with Jas and Sim for quite a few times already. Sometimes with other friends to make up the 4th leg, sometimes just the 3 of us. In fact, i kinda prefer to play 3 leg MJ cos the turnover rates are much faster. Our dinner was Canadian Pizza. Hmmm... not exactly that nice. It was really filling though cos the girls didn't want to eat too much fearing that they might get fat thus i had to finish up whatever that's left over.
The next day was kinda a tiring day packed with activities. Early in the morning, we planned to have our breakfast of the day over at 'Dragon Gate Restaurant'. It have been a long time since i last patronize that place thus it's kinda good to be back there. However, the disappointment is that the only good thing i derive from the tim sum buffet is not the satisfaction arising from good food but rather from memories that i have of that place. Well, it's not as if the food is bad etc, just that it does not seem to be as fantastic as before.

Right after our heavy breakfast, JAs & Me proceed to Ikea over at Alexandra to meet up with Hui Yee etc for their shoppping.

There is this promotion by Subway that offers a cold cut (ham), 2 cookies and a soft drink for only 4.95. Kinda worth it thus we all decided to make it out dinner for the day. haha
Terençe came back not long after we are done shopping @ Ikea. Met up with him over at Holland V for a drink and chat etc. It is almost 2 months since we last saw him because of sch stuff etc. Well, he will be flying off to Japan again ina few days' time thus the next time we see him will be during the BBQ on the 20th! haha. kinda looking forward to all the food!
BEen playing mahjong with Jas and Sim for quite a few times already. Sometimes with other friends to make up the 4th leg, sometimes just the 3 of us. In fact, i kinda prefer to play 3 leg MJ cos the turnover rates are much faster. Our dinner was Canadian Pizza. Hmmm... not exactly that nice. It was really filling though cos the girls didn't want to eat too much fearing that they might get fat thus i had to finish up whatever that's left over.