3rd Day at HOME ----- BORED !
Cooked really a lot for my lunch this afternoon ard 4. Look at the pic below. It's the famous INDO MEE's MEE GORENG with lots of 料 (ingredients)!! There's mushrooms, straw mushrooms, vegetables, chicken nuggets. meat and prawns. Zhai right? 哈哈哈哈哈。

And guess what's after eating that filling meal?? i watched my favourite show for the 1st time since i'm back from the states. Know what it is? It's 娱乐百分百. whahahaaa.
Tried to study after catching the show. Gave up after reading the textbook for like 2 mins! whaha, am really tired, that's why. Went to bed for a short nap of 1.5 hours. hee hee hee.
Woke up, had a shower after that and started my first mugging session for this term. Read one chapter and i already cannot take it. SEriously cannot take it. Damned tired and all lar. Insane! I'm really dead manz. Whahhaaa. Actually haveto read another chapter, but i'm too tired thus i decided to give up. yea.