Today's my FA's presentation ....!! Haaa, rather nervous about it. Cos i didn't really rehearse for it. didn't ven go through it ya, totally not prepared at all. So bad. Then not very confident od the answers for a few questions also. Thought they are not my questions, but ya. Still my group ma.
Even have to go school early in the morning. Summoned by Christine. So no choice. Have to go early, cos she wanna clear some doubts and also practise her presentation. Damn. Even have to buy coffee and tea for them. So bad.
Got a shock of my life before the lesson starts. Jason told us that another grp of ppl in our class came for lesson saying that they are the ones who's supposed to present today. They too came prepared....!! Damn......., i was so scared that my grp might be the grp who's got it all wrong then everyone's efforts wwould have being wasted. Damn.
So ya, didn't really pay much attention to the day's lesson at all. Rather disturbed with the fact that we might bit be the one presenting that day. But nevertheless, i still took a lot of pictures that day. And it happens so that Mitch and me both brought toes socks...!! look below. So cute. ..1! And look at all those stupid pics taken with my Grp members during the break....!!

Look at Christine...!! So fierce ..., Beating me with the pointer that i brought for the presentation ...!! Haa haa haa..

Anyway, Went for the SMU's Sports Fiesta...!! So stupid. not really fun. But ya, not too bad, quite relaxing...!! haa haa, Even got a free t-shirt. So ya, i udn mind....Studied with Aaron after wasting the afternoon over at the Sports Fiesta thingy. I did a little of the stats homework and went thrrough those FA assignments questions with Aaron. Really wanna do my part to help him. Even though i am not really that good, but ya, i still really wanna help him. Don't like to see my friends not doing well for their studies when i could be my part to help. But thta idiot, ask him to study then he dare to sleep...!! haa haaa, think he's really worn out...!! So ya....haa haa

But i was kinda sad tat Aaron dun wanna accompany me for dinner etc then go to meet his friends. As usual. Sianz. Luckily for me, i managed to get Yin Zhu down to school to accompany me. We supposed to watch DVDS. But my lousy Lappy cannot play it. So ya, we ended up playing some web games. And had our dinner. We bought lotsa food from Macs. Damn full and satisfied....!! And this is the first time for me to stay till so late in sch. Haa haaa. Not too bad, qquite fun, don't mind doing it more often.Haa haa