Can't study ..!!!
FA exam's coming...!! and i haven really study much. Only did a few papers. But couldn't do a cash flow statement and income statement etc by myself. Damn ..!! Kept stealing glances at the answers..!! Damn it... Argh ..... don't have the mind power to stop myself from looking loh....Anyway the results for our comms course had being kinda released to us. ...!! I got a B- i think ..!! Argh ...., so lousy loh .. haiz .... It's like only 2.7 lar, going to pull down my GPA for the term loh. Haiz .. Sian. Really have to study hard for FA, have to do well for FA. It's my last and only chance to do well man, Haiz. What should i do ? ANd instead of studying, i'm still watching TV etc. Really cannot concentrate loh. Haiz. Don't know what i should do ...., damn bad. I have to study ..!!nick
One down, one more to do ... ....!!!
Stat's over .. .... .....!!! Finally man..., damn it.. Haa haa, the paper was rather tough man, really hope tat i can do well. ..., should be able to if i don't have any careless mistakes (which is rather impossible...!! ) Haa haaa... But just hope tat i'm lucky enough this time round. Didn't really have enough time though. Couldn't do a couple of MCQs ..!! haa haa, anyhow jus fill in any ans .!! Damn funny..., nv done that before man. Ha haa, felt so bad to do it. See ?? Exam's all about luck .. ...!!! Haa, really wanna do well...1! God bless ..!! haa haaAnyway FA (Financial Accounting) next ..!! Haa haa, really wanna do well for that paper also, all thanks to *uckers in my school tat pulled down my grades for the other courses that i took this term, i have to work even harder to pull my overall grade for this term .... ...!!! !!!!Didn't really prepare well for stats i feel, rather slack ..!! I only seriously studied for Stats on 2 days. And its not 2 full days ..!! Haa haaa, studying is damn shag u know ? haanick
Exams coming and the mood is not right, all thanks to those *uckers
Exams's coming as u can guess from my title for this entry ...!! Damn...!! Haa haa, actually i'm kinda looking forward to the exams and also dreading it at the same moment. Why ? Cos i wanna get over with it so tat the much awaited hos will be here. But at the same time, i really wanna do well for the exams n i'm afraid tat i might not be good enough. Haiz.... Taking 4 courses this term, 2 of them is already over. And ppl have been telling me tat i'm very lucky cos i only have 2 exams, but is tat really a good thing ?? I don't even know how i did for the 2 courses....!! Damn it. And i'm don't think i'll do very well for both 'comms' and 'LTB'. Damn. Cos i kanna sabo by both my grps mates...!! damn it ...!! think i have to go Temple and pray before getting grp mates before the next sem,...!! Argh ...... Those *uckers.....!!Rather worried about the upcoming exams also lar....sian ..., cos exam's next week, everyone that i know are mugging really hard, but i'm slacking around, watching movie, staying at home and slack and also went for 2 bday pparties this week ...!! What's wrong with me ? I don't have any sense of urgency at all, tat's the scary thing. It's scary cos i really wanna do well, but i cant find the motivation to do so.Not really very happy these days. MAybe that's one of the reason as to why i dont have the mood to study etc. Cos i'm wasting my time thinking of other thing. Been thinking of all these weeks, 13 weeks in school. My grades are not tat fantastic, and i als didn't really make much friends (at least not close ones). Really sad about it. There are ppl tat i feel are rather good friends at times, but right now, i can no longer be sure of that, cos of all those things tat i had seen in these days. Like for example, after all those things tat i had done for my proj, i actually got the lowest for the apprasial. Maybe i really am not good enough, but i do not think so. I realy felt tat it's unfair to me. And those *other **ckers, ask them to jus think about it, will the presentation be tat good if not for me ? will the portfolio etc be done if not for me ? Will there even be minutes for all the meetings if i'm not the one who go home after every meeting to do them up when the others jus go enjoying their life ? Haiz..... IT's not the grades tat really affected me, it's the ppl..... ... why i did so much for the grp ? cos i want everyone to do well, but at the end, everyone will really do well, except me ...!! Damn ... ... i give up..!! And what friends do i hv ? Ppl only come and look for me when they need help, like need me to teach them things like stats or FA. But when i wanna study, no one wanna accompany me at all...!! fuck...!! What friends i have rite ? haiz ... .... .....
Comms at Brewerkz.., Getting drunk on a Afternoon..!!
No comms lesson for todaay ..!! Haa, So good, no longer have to listen to those stupid ppl saying and asking stupid qns. ..!! haa haa. Especially nonsense from the stupid p*of ...!! Haa haa....
There's an outing to Brekwerks this afternoon...!! Kinda weird actually, think about it.., having a drink in the afternoon, moreover it's right smack in the afternoon, 1pm ... ...!!!
Look at the pics below..., everyone's mad...!! Haahaa, look at Inna, Her Face's so damn red ..., Ha haa. She still said that she's not drunk/high at all....!! Tell me how to believe ?? haa haa
Really quite fun, really relaxed ..., everyone really let lose of themselves....Ha haa, so funny lar. We were so loud that we kanna complained. Haiz ... Haaa haa haa
Look at the number of ppl who turned up ..!! Not too bad huh ..!! Haa haa....
Qing Lian's Bday
Worked at sentosa today... And it jus happened so that Qing Lian celebrated her 21st bday over at the chalet there..!! Haa haa ,so funny..., I've never being to the chalets over there. The atmosphere there isn't very nice actually. Maybe cos she didn't really invite a lot of ppl i guess. Kinda quiet and all. ANd that the food isn't very nice..!! Haa haa...., but all that doesn't really matter lar, it's good to see them again, haven really meet up for a long time. So happy to see all of them.. Haahaaa
Anyway ya, i love the cake as usual ..!! It's from coffee bean, look at the cake, looks good rite ?
What should i do ?
It's week 12 of school already. Only 3 months. Time seems to pass by so fast, but at the same time, really slowly. Been really busy these days. With all the stupid projects coming due etc etc etc. Don't even have time to go out etc. Haven been meeting my friends for so long. Everyone;s busy, no one give a damn at all...!!!The term is coming to an end, what have a achieve ? Nothing ..!! Academic wise, i'm just average or even slightly below. My comms grade is definitely going to pull down my GPA. All thanks to a basterd in my proj grp. Damn him..!! And after all these weeks, what have i really being doing ? I've seen ppl who have made friends and become good friends etc with one another, but what about me ? I'm not close to anyone ..!! At least i dun feel so, everyone in my proj grps are just to do work, there's no genuine friendships anywhere..!! That's why i hated school so much...!! I llove the ppl etc, i do, really. I mean, the ppl are mostly very nice ppl, but no one's here to really get to know some friends (or at least not me). This is what really made me very disappointed. I put in a lot of effort to know ppl, i gave all i have. I'm tired alreaedy. No one appreciates, or at least not tht i know. I can't feel it at all. Maybe all these is just my problem. Maybe.... ....Moreover, i don't know of anyone who have the same timetable as me for next term. I don't know hw i am going to survive and go through it. I don't think i'll try to know ppl anymore. All these are just too much for me, i can't stand it anymore. I don't wann be hurt anymore. I don't wanna waste time and effort thinking about all these anymore. I hope tat sometimes i can jus dun give a damn about everything. I really hope so, really. Haiz ... ... ....nick