Trek to Nuang 19-220206
There are a couple of reasons as to why i embarked and decided to take on this trek. I think the main reason as to why i went for this trek is cos of a person whom i've come to know within this few weeks (Yu Jian). He asked me to go and i decided that i''ll go if he goes, so ya. Another reason is cos WEIBO is going too !! THe last reason is cos i've wanted to go trekking for a long time, so yea, why not.
This Trek is to Gunung Nuang, over at KL. SO we'll have some R & R after the trek. Not too bad huh ? whaaa. this trek cost me $70. So it better be fun !! The mode of transport to KL is by train !! My first time taking train to malaysia, so excited. Whhaaa.
Backtrack a little. Met Wei bo they all earlier to bring their rations for the trek. Yu jian came too. Got to know that he kinda hurt himself during "wakiki" while participating in 'push ball'. Rather badly hurt it seems. Kinda worried for him. Haven start trekking and he's injured. He shouldn't have come if he's injured lar, everytime wanna act tough only !! whahahaa, Ego man.
The train ride took even longer than what a bus ride will take. Kinda irony isn't it ?? Haa haa. ANd i didn't even get to sleep at all for the whole ride ! COs of a few reasons. Cos the train's so damn noisy and that my gum's giving me prob !! Kinda swollen and infected , all thanks to the stupid Wisdm tooth, always giving me prob.