Today's Thursday ..!! And it's the lesson that i kinda Like most, of should i say hated least ?? Anwyay ya, it's Statistics... Haa, Don't know going to do what for today's lesson also, cos i've already read the slides etc already. And that i've already handed up my Assignment long ago...
Prof gave me back my assignments at the beginning of the lesson. Was rather surprised by that though. Didn't know tat she'll give me back even when there are still pppl in class who have not hand up. Not too bad, at least i did a little bit better than the first assignment.
Anwyay, rather pissed with Aaron, cos he say what ?? Sit together ?? So that i can teach him, then u go and sat at the row behind me la, idiot, then left me all alone sitting in my row with a few strangers. Though i aslo don't really know Aaron that well, but as left i've talked to him b4, unlike ppl like You An who i have not really talk to b4. So boring la, should have just sit with john they all la...
Anway, the stats lesson is really short, cos Prof wanted to do some revision and Q&A for the up-coming mid term test. But ya, ppl are apparently not appreciative as usual. So bad la, i mean. i really felt that she's good lar, as compared to a few other prof who does nothing but to just talk nonsense and creak stupid and not funny joke lar.
And guess who are the ppl that i had lunch with ??? haa haa, i too couldn't believe it ..!! I had lunch with all the potatos man...!! Like Ben, Aaron, Jason, Eugene, You An, Inna, Pat......!! 
Damn....!! I can't believe it la.... And i felt really really uncomfortable when eating lar, cos they kept talking about things that i can't relate to at all , as in i totally cannot understand ...!! haa haa, really screwed man....
And i even don't learn my lesson and studied with them...!! but luckily it's not with all of them, if not i'll die cos of the 'over dosage of potatos'...!! haa haa, anyway i don't mean that la, they are really ok ppl , just that a lot of us just kinda belong to different world and that we just can't really connect well. Initially i also don't really like a few of the ppl, but ya, i guess it's ok la.
But ya, i studied with them cos I have to kinda 'teach' someone something, so ya, a promise is a promise. If not i would ahve gone to study with Mei Qi already man, felt damn bad that i felt her alone...Argh ...!!!
Why di i do it when i hated ppl to do that to me ?? haa haa, human's are not perfect after all rite ?? haa haa, so meiqi, pls forgive me for what i did to u if u are reading this ...!! haa haa
Anwya ya, that's about it, so i did a few of the FA qns and then it's evening already. Damn tired la, dunno why also. Went home together with Cliff. So ya. And look at the pics below, isn't Yew tee a beautiful place? ? haa haa, i mean, just look at it man ...!! haahaaa.. I have never being on a ferris whell b4, anyone wanna go with me ?? but i no money ..!! haa haa..Haiz......
