Vivace - SMU's CCA Day
Drove to Dhoby Ghout to meet the 'Yakuzas' this morning. Picked up Janice and then went down with her.
Luckily she knew the way, if not i'll surely get lost.
We're there early, therefore i decided to buy some titbits etc from 7-11 using the &7.50 left from last night's supper.
One really funny thing occured. Those who turn up for 'Closing Time' were all on time while those who were late were all of those who didn't turn up. Anyway, they had Burger King's Breakfast. I didn't eat. Didn't want to, cos i'm freaking poor....!!!All the rest ate, except Shun wei. He's funny, always eat before meeting ppl to eat.
Got to know one more person from our OG who didn't turn up for the Orientation Camp. She's Mei Qi. Quite a pleasant girl. Too bad that she didn't turn up for the camp. If not we'll definitely know one another better......Glad that she joined us for breakfast though. Think she might have a rather bad impression of me. Cos i really talked a lot of crap for the whole moening. Ever since we met her.... 
And the stupid Lynnette play us out. Say she couldn't wake up. Lousy her...!! Met uu over at the New Campus instead. Another Girl met us over at the new campus also. She's called Stella. The new campus look rather nice. Not too bad. Got inter-linking underpass as well. It doesn't look like a sch at all. Look so commercialised. Like some office like that...haa haa.... i'm going to be there for 4 years....!! Damn. Hope that it'll be a fantastic 4 years. Really really hope so. Really don't wanna waste 4 years of my life...!!
4 years of sch and we have to chose our CCAs ...!! Don't know what i am really interested in also. Haiz..... Just gave my name for a few of the CCAs, that's all..... Actually i'm really interested in Thus i signed up for the Badminton's recreation club only...haiz....
Rather interested in the SMUX and many others also. Hope that things will turn up well....!! Quite confusing and rush for me though. Didn't even have time to sign up for the SMUX membership!!! Cos i have to rush back for Mum's ROM...!! It's over at Yew Tee Community Centre.
Rushed back even b4 i could finish all the booths.... Didn't even have the time to view and consider all the booths...Haiz.... Hope that i'll make the wrong choice in the end and hope that they'll have another enrolment exercies....!!!
Closing Time - SMU's last day at Bukit Timah
Drove to work tis morning. Should have being working at Fort Siloso, but the in-charge (Delvin) changed it at the very last minute to Mapipo (that's to sell tickets on the road....!!). Sian, but it turns out rather well. Anyway i met Kenneth, Christine and Shun Wei for dinner over at Harbourfront's Mac before going to SMU together.
Christine's Soo Fierce ...!!!Drove over to SMU after dinner with Shun wei while Christine went with Kenneth. Luckily Shun Wei know the way, if not i'll get lost, Surely. Glad that he don't mind sitting in my van and guiding me along. Reached SMU really early. 7+. It's still so empty when we reached. Only a handful of ppl are around. Damn. Felt really sian. I knew from then on that it'll be a boring night (at least for me). And it really was a boring night for me. Cos i really don't know how to appreciate all those english shows etc. Every song sounds just the same to me.....!!! Haiz. ...., felt so ignorant and so inferior as compared to the rest, cos all of them know what they are listening to ..!! Argh ........, really felt like a Fool. Seriously.
All the Guys that Attended...!! Brother forever...(I hope So....)7 out of 8 promised came for the 'Closing time'. Winston play us out.....Hated him.!! Idiot. Say until like very 'ON' like that then didn't turn up. But really glad that the rest turn up. If not it'll be even more boring...Haiz......
Everyone except Shireen....!!!The best thing that happened for the night was Supper.....!! Ate over at Newton Circus!! As per normally, each of us contributed $10 then we ordered alll those standard food like Stingrays etc etc. Really full. Couldn't finish the food man...Really a lot. Had leftover money too......!! $7.50 i think. Too bad that Shireen didn't join us for Supper. So disappointed.
Hijaked the SMuve Lorry during the night....!! haa haaActually i wanted to send Shun Wei back home after supper, but he refused it and asked me to just drop him at Orchard for him to take 'Night bus' home. Though 'closing time's boring, the night had being quite alrite though. Although i was rather irritated wif Shun wei and Kenneth at certain times cos they kept running into their friends etc, even when i know tht i can't blame that on them can i ??Anyway, not a too boring thing. At least i get to meet all of them...!! Nite nite......nicky
Badminton Wif Janice, Eugene and Zhi Jie
Finally managed to play badminton with Janice after 2-3 days of planning etc etc. Don't even know how many msgs i've sent to her and to ther rest etc. What a waste of money ....!!There are so much confusion in the planning stage !! Got rather disturbed and angry with my Orientation Grp's members actually. Shun Wei and i planned to meet up for the afternoon, but no one's interested, so we cancelled it after so damn many calls and sms etc.....!!! What a waste of time and effort.But this kinda thinga always happen to me doesn't it ?? Haiz ......, am i really the cause of the problem ?? Or is there a problem at all ?? haa haaI 'Jioed' Eugene to play badminton wif Janice and me. In turn, Eugene got his friend along , so that we could play doubles.Anyway, Eugene and his friend's both late.....!! Thus i have no choice but to play with Janice first. She's really good.....!!! One of the better players that i know. Here strokes are far better than mine. Really sharp and accurate!! Here drop shots are real Good....!! Really steep and always just barely make it over the net. I got really shag out even b4 Eugene and his friend arrive. Haiz.... but it's really great to play with her, cos at least i get to work out and improve myself.Played a few games of doubles. Janice almost won all of the matches!! Damn. I'll have to improve myself more...!! Really looking forward to play with her again. And also play Tennis and swim at her place.Eugene and Zhi jie came over to my house after playing badminton, cos it's still early and we're meeting Fang yeow to go for s swim later in the afternooon over at Gombak's Cdans.Eugene Drove us to Cdans and i suffered a headache after sitting i his car...! The mini's so noisy and un-comfortable...!!Had dinner over at CCK's LOT 1 before going to my house. I practised parking my Bro's Van over at the multi-storey carpark near my house. So exciting...!1 haa haanicky
The Circle Xperience: Day 03
Woke up really Early today ...!! Supposed to wake up at 0530. But everyone's so tired that no one wakes up in time....!! Haa haa. Rather mad with shun wei in the morning...!! Cos he went off to the toilet and wash up etc in the morning without asking/waiting for all of us... But it's ok, cos i get to sleep more..!! haa haa
We start off the last day with a 'Scavenger Hunt' which is actually a treasure hunt thingy around Chinese garden. I think that we've done really really well for this. We managed to complete 3 stations and finished first...!!! Too bad that there's no reward/points for being the fastest group to complete it. This is the part whereby i find that the ppl organising the camp didn't really do a good job. But who cares about the points ?? haahaa...What really mattered is that all of us had lotsa fun throughout the activity and had lotsa laughters....
The activityafter the hunt was 'Rafting'. Personally, i felt that the 'raft-building' was a disaster...!! I've never build such a lousy and useless raft before. 

The materials given was not very enough and useful, but the worst thing was that the 'ropes' given to us for tying the fart. It's not even ropes...!! It's just 'Rafia strings' and those had being used before.....!!! Really sucky...!1 Though our grp still won the 'raft competition'. It's shit la, cos we;re not Rafting but walking, and the water's so Shallow ....!! Everyone's practically walking across....!! But we won, so it's ok ..!1 haa haa
The activity after rafting is the 'mini dragon boat thingy' I'm actually supposed to go for only 1 round, the 2nd round. But when i managed to catch up with the rest of the groups and close up the gap bwt us and the other grp, they got me to be the 'coxswain' for the third and final 
round...!! Actually deep down i'm quite happy that they asked me to go again. That means that i'm doing a good job....!! Think that it's due to the fact of my kayaking background. Tat's why i could control the 'mini dragon boat' well.
Had a de-brief session again after all of our 3 activities for the morning. The morale of our OG's really amazing...!! Really high.... One of the mai reason as to why our morale's so high is due to the fact that we came in first in all of the 3 activities...!! Really happy....!! We had a really great 'de-brief' session. Cos it;s not so structured as per the previous 'de-briefs' sessions. It's very engaging. Everyone's saying things etc, it's not those kinda going round a circle thingy.
We had some 'top-up' food for tes-break after the de-brief. Had some Pratas...!1 Tasted really good as compared to those food that had being catered 4 lunch and dinner for the past 2 days....!! The packed food Sux...!! The stupid thing is that we'll be having lunch after the prata thingy ...!! haa haa......
The last activity of out camp was 'WaR'. Using water pistols that we managed to 'buy' during the 'scavenfer' hunt earlier in the morning.... Our OG's pathetic....!! 
cos we only managed to buy all the small guns etc..But surprisingly, we managed to win the War ...!! ha haa..Though out section (5) won, we really really don't enjoy the Game...!! Cos it's stupid. It's not fair etc. Not fun at all...!! It's really a waste of time ..!! But we did enjoyed ourselves 'shooting' at each other.....!!
We took lots of pictures after the 'War'. Most of the pics are taken by the guys from Smu's photography club..!! We took lots of pics and lots of those 'SMU Junp' pics...!! 

Think those pics r really really nice..!! Really touched with the fact that all of the ppl in our OG's so active and Onz when taking the pics etc etc.....
Ok ok, now we've come to the end of the camp...!! Suddenly i am hit by the realisation that i've grew to love the ppl in out grp...!! Especially Adeline, Shun Wei, Zhi Rui, Janice etc etc.... Never had i thought that this would happen b4 the camp, as i've said, i've being really skeptical of the camp b4 i went for it. But it really turns out amazingly well..!!
We had a 'peer-apprasial' thingy before going back home. It involves all of us passing our red SMU's notebook around for the rest of our OG members to write down comments about us. Really happy of what they said about me. Hope that they like my commentss too....!! But i would like to hear bad things about me too...
Lynnette and Shireen gave us the last words b4 going back home. Really very emotionally unstable etc at that point of time. Especially when Lynnette started to to cry. I almost cried too. If the last words thingy is to go whole round and everyone specks, i really think that i would have cried...!! Don't think that i'll be able to control my emotions any further...!!
It really torn me apart when we had to go separate ways and go home...!! Though i do wanna go home etc, but it really hurts to leave all of them...!! Though the camp's only 3 days, i felt really close to them at the end of it..!! Argh ....!! Hope that all of us will become real good friends...!!
Ya, that's about it ...!! Bye....!!!
Kenny's Birthday Chalet.....!!
Today's the end of the 'Circle Xperience'. Had something on during the night too. Damn it.....!! Kenny's birthday chalet. So i was like left with no choice and had to attend it. Not that i don't want, but i'm really really tired and shag out cos of the 3D2N orientation camp !! Decided to go down in the end too....1! Took me 2 hours to reach there...!! Freaking far loh. Have to take train then bus then walk uo some stupid slope.Saw Marhaini they all once i reach there...!!
And Mr tan and BBS ppl...Haa Haa... Didn't really get a good chance to get to talk to Kenny. I had some food then proceeded to the 2nd floor to sleep liao.
Didn't really had a very peaceful sleep too. Kept hearing ppl talking in the room. Especially the voice of a girl shouting and tlaking very loudly (think she's drunk). Only got to find out that the girl's Yoke Wen in the morning.Was rather shocked to find out that Yoke Wen's still having a hangover from last night during the morning. Kept vomitting and crying and talking/sprouting nonsense. Really in a bad shape. Though i wasn't very close to her. I am still really hurt to see her in that kinda shape..!! I drove her back home after the chalet, cos she's really not in the condition to drive herself back. So exciting...!! Couln't get use to driving the car initially, cos it's a Auto-Car....!!YA, that's about it. Went walk around compass point with zhong hua before going home....haiz.....So far ...!!nicky
The Circle Xperience: Day 02
Woke up around 0630. Still really tired !! Haa haa. Sleep's never enough isn't it ?? And as usual, the food catered for us Sux big time ....!!! 1st activity of the day is the 'Spiderweb'. Honestly, i've never thought that we'll be able to complete it ..!! Cis it seemed so impossible, cos the holes are so small and far too little...!! There's only enough holes that's big enough for all of us to pass through. We took quite a while to 'warm up' to the activity. Failed a couple of times due to stupid mistakes er;"me touching the web', 'tian wei hitting the web
when crawling'. We didn't manage to complete the activity within the stipulated time though. Really disappointed and demoralised. But we 'fuck it' and continued on. Finished it like 15 mins after the time allocated. But it's ok, cos it goes to show that we're united, cohesive etc etc. Really like our group when we display such perserverance and determination and fighting spirit...!! Just like those days in NPCC and OCS. ..!! Makes me felt so 'alive'. Get it ?? ha haa. This kinda activity really brings all of us together..!! Got to talk and joke etc etc.Rather impressed with Zhi Rui during this activity cos he volunteered to be the first one to crawl under the web and makes himself so dirty ....!!! So 'selfless'...!!
The 2nd Activity of the day was 'Low Wall'. It wasn't really that 'Low' actually. Had to do a 'chin-up' to get across. And all the girl's perfect....!! Really great. Gave no prob at all. But one of the Girls did created some problem. Guess who ?? It's Jia hui. Don't really know why, but she couldn't life up her leg to get across the wall..!! Always don't wanna move that leg of hers. Haiz. Though i know that i shouldn't be feeling the way that i am rite now and also at that moment. But she really got to my nerves at times...!! Hope that she'll change as time goes by, if not i really don't know how she'll survive. I know how it feels to be lonely and outcast, so i really don't want her to go through it as well.
But really happy thta our group managed to do the 'wall thingy' really fast. Our grp's really starting to become really fun/cohesive and united..!! All those effects of bonding together can be seen in the things that we said and those things that we do. Especially during those de-briefs sessions. Can see that the comments are getting more meaningful etc etc. No longer just those superficial comments anymore.
Had a game after lunch. 'Human chariot'. The game sucks...!! Zhi Rui and i had to carry Christine on our shoulders for the whole game. So freaking tiring...!!! My shoulders hurt likee hell man !! Zhi rui too..... The Game sux.... No one like it...!! A waste of time.....
We packed and left to move to the other Campsite (Chinese Garden) after the game. We had to walk all the way there, like 'amazing race' like that, with quite a few stops and checkpts to reach etc etc. We are slow man ...!! haa haa...
(Look at the 2's Awkard positions...!!)We are the 2nd last group to reach Chinese Garden....!! haa haa..Really disappointed man. Think that i've let the grp down. Anyway, i wasn't really very happy with Shun Wei throughout the whole camp for a few reasons. One is that he's always not taking me seriously . Always thinking thta i'm a joker etc etc. Haiz ......In fact, i think the whole grp's having the whole perception of me...!! Damn it..... The other thing that i hated about him is that he always seemed to be holding himself back....!! Don't wanna take the lead in doing stuffs etc etc. Thus ending up with always Zhi Rui and me leading the OG. Though i do admit that i did loved to do it, but there are times whereby i do get tired of all this stuffs etc etc.
I truly truly believed that he's capable of a lot more, of giving more to the group. Don't know what's holding him back though. Haiz..... and the same goes to Tian wei ...!! Rather disappointed with them. They are definitely better and more capable than me. Haiz ..... It's almost dinner time when we reached Chinese Garden..haa haa .......
The 2nd night was rather boring. Nothing much. They should have included more programmes for the night. Cos there isn't anything to do at night....!!Played some card games b4 going to sleep. Played 'bluff'. Tian wei and Janice's great at the game......!! Really. Slept after a few games. Cos everyone's really shag out...!! haa haa
The bathing session was a lot better than the first night. The water's really strong ...!! power.....Though i've only got to know my grp for only 2 days, i really felt quite close to them.....!! Especially a few of them like Shun Wei, Adeline, Zhi Rui etc etc. Really hope that i'll not screw up again this time round. Really don't wanna ruin this chance and friendship. nicky
The Circle Xperience: Day 01
The 'Circle Xperience', u all must be thinking 'what the hell is the Circle Xperience' ?? It's Smu's Orientation Camp ...!! haa haa haaInitially i was really sian of having to go for the orientation camp....!! Haa haa.... Thought that it'll be really boring and stupid. Thought that we'll have to do all those stupid stuffs and forced to entertain all those strangers who will be in my Orientation Group (OG). And also have to tolerate those 'childish' and 'inmature' girls from JCs. Never did i thought that i'll enjoy myself.
The first day was rather ok, i've got to know a few of my group's ppl. Especially the few that are not so quiet, like Shun Wei, Adeline, Tian Wei, Zhi Rui etc ... .... The first part of the Day 01 of the camp was not that fun, kinda make me wanna sleep and go home....!! Maybe cos i haven being having any of those outdoor actiuvities for too long, that's why i couldn't really adjust to it yet. And that the fact that i'm being surrounded by so many strangers doesn't helps...And i hated the first Ice-Breaker Game that we played. It's a game in which we have to memorise all the names of the ppl in the group, Damn ...!! I can't remember those Chinese names...., so Pai se...!!But things turn for the better after the !st Activity ( High Element ). Though the activity is kinda a flop...!! Cos we only got to do one of the high obstacle, and we chosed one that wasn't that fun, kinda boring even,....!!
The 2nd Activity (trust fall) was better. It really got all of us going and get to 'trust' and open up to one another. The third Activity was the best for Day 01. It's the 'Flip the Mat' game whereby we have to flip the mat on which we are all standing on to the other side. But it's kinda tiring, cos a few of the other guys and me have to carry one of the girls each.
I carried Adeline on my shoulders. Though she wasn't heavy at all, but it still was really tiring after a while....!!Through the day, i find that she's a nice girl too, even like some of the songs/music that i liked....!! Like Phantom of the Opera and JJ....!!! But i'm really glad that we managed to finish in the 5th position....!! haa haa.., and that resulted in better food/ingredients for our Dinner (cos we are supposed to prepare our own dinner). I kinda 'in-charge' of the cooking of the food. Don't know why also, maybe cos i like to cook more ?? haa haa...... but the guys helped a lot too, and also Adeline, really helped a lot....!! Though the food wasn't really very nice, but it was alrite, not too bad.....!! But we had too much food ...!! Couldn't finish it at all loh ...!! Too Much ......There wasn't anymore activities after dinner. Only some performance put up by the facilitators for all of the freshmens . Followed by a 'Murderer Game' and Supper ..... The game was actually quite a good concept, though i personally felt that the time allocated was too short and didn't really allow the game to be brought to it's fullest potential. Yeah, that's about it for Day 01. The last thing is the bathing part. We bathe in the portable showers. It's the first time that i've bathe in a portable shower, so cool...!! haa haa, the only bad thing about it is that the water's too weak..... Haiz, what a disappointment ........!!!!At the end of the First day, i knew that the camp will not be as bad as i thought it would be, and i even think that i might have a very good chance of enjoying it. And i really do like the company of the ppl in my Group, like Shun Wei, Zhi Rui, Adeline, Tian Wei, Janice etc etc.....really Great .... !!Hope that they had enjoyed having me around as much .....nick
Boring Work
Nothing's going on these few days. Being working for 2 days. So tired. And i'm still sick, sian... Still having the stupid cough., Damn bad. My throat hurts from coughing too much already. Argh ....!! Work's ok, though bored. Being working with a funny Malay Girl these 2 days. She's called Malis. Kept laughing when working with her. Cos of so many funny encounters as well maybe. Work's not so good today. Got some monsy shortage, damn, have to pay back with my money. Idiot. Like working free for Sentosa like that...!! Why can't they be kinder to their Staff ?? haiz, i work so hard for them and they treat me like this, haiz ....Karen did brighten up my gloomy day for a while by giving me half of her Subway's Sandwich (cos she couoldn't finish it)....haahaa......Marhaini waited for me to finish work and went for dinner with me....!! So nice of her to do that ...haahaa....., So tired, wanna sleep liao ....!!!nicky
Nothing's going on these few days. Being working for 2 days. So tired. And i'm still sick, sian... Still having the stupid cough., Damn bad. My throat hurts from coughing too much already. Argh ....!! Work's ok, though bored. Being working with a funny Malay Girl these 2 days. She's called Malis. Kept laughing when working with her. Cos of so many funny encounters as well maybe. Work's not so good today. Got some monsy shortage, damn, have to pay back with my money. Idiot. Like working free for Sentosa like that...!! Why can't they be kinder to their Staff ?? haiz, i work so hard for them and they treat me like this, haiz ....Karen did brighten up my gloomy day for a while by giving me half of her Subway's Sandwich (cos she couoldn't finish it)....haahaa......Marhaini waited for me to finish work and went for dinner with me....!! So nice of her to do that ...haahaa....., So tired, wanna sleep liao ....!!!nicky
Dad's Better ......!!!
Got a msg from Bro that all the medications and machine aids have being removed and that he can talk and eat now ....!! haha.....guess that's the only good thing that happened today ....haiz, but i can't go down, cos i'm sick ...!! hope tat i recover soon then i can go down .....nick
Terrible Day ....!!!
Went back to work today .... .....!!! Woke up at 6. Actually i'm feeling much better this morning, but things didn't turn up that well. Not only that i have Fever and Cough, I have a super runny nose today ....!! To the extend that i have to go 'steal' some toilet paper over at Sentosa's toilet. Sian, the feeling's really really terrible. I 'blow' my nose till i thought that it's going to drop off and that my nose have abrasion.
The 7 hours at work seems so long to pass. The minutes seems like tens of minutes, and the hours - timeless.... I bought a 1.5 L of Green Tea after i went for my lunch break. Argh ...!! My nose still hurts now, and it have not gotten any better yet ...!! Damn it .....And i seems to be in really lousy luck today. Firstly, i waited so long for the bus to arrive, and it took me 10 mins...!! After which, i waited like 5 mins for the train going towards outram. As if it's not enough, i have to wait for 7 mins over at Outram for the train to take me to 'Harbourfront' Damn ...!! And lastly, i have to wake for another 10 mins for the Sentosa Bus ...!! Argh ....., and that caused me to be late....haiz, though it's only for 5 mins, but i hate to be late ....!!Make me seems so irresponsible....!!
The journey home is also terrible...!! So torturing. Seems like hrs, though it only took around 1hr. Had dinner at home. Mum Cooked. And u guess what she cooked ?? She cook some noobles with carrot, eggs and vegetables. That's all, the noodle's almost tasteless ..!! haha...but it's ok la, what to do ?? i'm sick ma.....
Tried to go catch some sleep after eating, hoping that i'll recover after the sleep, but i can't get to sleep, i'm too hot ...!! argh ...!! Anyway i'm feeling much better now, the fever had gone down again, though the Flu's still there ...!! haiz.....hope that i'll recover by tomorrow.
Cool Down ....
Not much improvment for my Fever when i woke up this morning. Called up Sentosa (Devin) and told him that i'll not be turning up for work today. So Pai sei loh, everytime dun wanna work like that. Only being to work 4 2 days only..... .....
Being feeling so lousy this whole morning and afternoon, my fever only Cool down around evening time. Haiz....hope that it''ll keep up and i'll recover asap....!! Cos i have to work tomorrow ...!!!Whole body aching also, damn.... couldn't go to hospital today., cos i'm not feeling well yet, dun wanna get anymore infections..!! the air there is unhealthy ...!!nick
Just reached home. Having a Fever now , and cough as well, Damn it. Haven being getting much sleep these days, that's why. Not only not having much sleep, but also not have good quality sleep. HaizANway i've finally passed myBike's Test, though i'll not be able to buy a bike most prob, but at least i've finally completed it, thanks God. So nervous today when they r releasing the results. Went home immediately once i finshed up my stuffs for the license. Pick my mum up and drove us to TTSH to see my Dad and to take over my Bro's "shift". This is only the 3RD time i drove on the expressway ...!! still rather exciting. The first time is when i drove my Bro and Sis to TTSH, under my Bro's supervision. The second time is when i drove my Sis back from TTSH (under my sis'd guidance) , cos i dunno the way ...!!! That's when i developed the Fever, haiz .... Dad's condition still have not really improve yet. Haiz ..... And he also had developed a slight Fever during last night, HAiz. .... Really hope that he'll recover soon. Things will be better tomorrow ...!!Argh ...!! i really cannot take it anymore, really have to go and sleep. Have to go Sentosa work in the morning toorrow....!! that's provided that i'm not having the Fever by then....!! nite nitenick
Life's so Unpredictable. ....
Supposed to go work this morning. But i received a msg from my bro before i reach Sentosa for work. My Bro told me that Dad had a Heart Attack and is in Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Condition is rather serious and critical. I gave a call to my Sentosa's OIC immediately and told them that i'll not be reporting for work today. Dad had just finished his operation by the time i reached the Hospital. The Doctor briefed us on his condition and told us that the Heart attack was caused by a total blockage of one of the blood vessel of the heart. The Doc told us that the blood vessel had being open up, but his condition is still critical and that the danger period will be 24hrs. Hope that things will improve soon..... I really don't know how to react to all this, it's so sudden that all my feelings are confused and jumble up. Should i feel shock ? should i be sad ??I don't know, really. It reall y hurts to see Dad lying down on the bed with so many tubes around. Life's really unpredictable isn't it? There's no symptoms prior to the attack. And suddenly.. ..... Just pray that things will improve soon......nick
I'm so TIRED ......!!!
So Tired ......!! Damn, haha..... Woke up for work at 0530 today. And i slept at like 0200 hrs ?? Only had like 3.5 hrs of sleep ...! and it have being like this for quite some time, having diffculties sleeping. Sian....dunno what's wong man....!!Initially i planned to go Gym after Work, but i was so freaking tired that i decided tat i shall give that a miss and go home....haiz....wasted all the effort for carrying those pt attire and towel along.sian.should have met Ronnie they all for dinner and movie tonight to celebrate Zhong & Yoke Fatt's birthday, but i am really tired, so i decided to give it a miss, damn, what a lousy person i am. But i really dun feel like spending movie watchging some show that i am really not interested in. yea, that's about it. .....nick
1st Day Back to Work / Swim... .....
Finally get back to work at Sentosa ...!! After leaving ther to enlist into the army 2 years ago....And all thanks to that our Supervisor, Rani, i got assigned back to the Gantry again.Sian.... Hated to work at the Gantry. Have so many troublesome ppl at times.....!!! Very difficult to handle. Though i've worked at Gantry b4 , there's a lot of things that i really cannot remember. So embarassing...!! I feel like an idiot.., Damn ....!!!Haiz, planned to watch movie today after work, and also act as a mini-gathering for my pri sch friends, but all of them cannot make it, sian.....Haven being going out for so long, so sad. Life have became really so boring nowadays, nothing to do. Nothing fun every takes place. And everyone's just like me, so damn poor, no money to go out at all.....!! One very good example of such a person is our "Mr Fang" (方咬)。。。。哈哈哈。。。!!!Anyway talking of Mr Fang, went swimming with him today after work. Actually i'm freaking shag liao loh.... super sleepy, cos i have being getting like less than 5 Hrs of sleep for a few consecutive days liao ....Argh .....!!! Swam only 13 Laps (1.3KM). Actually i thinking of swimming more one, but the stupid Fang wanna go home and have a early dinner. Haiz...and i seemed to be swimming slower and slower .... Took close to 15mins to finish how how ???Hai Ya, why u still reading ?? Y y y ?? why so KPO ?? hahha.....So free go write your own Blog la....hahaha...thanks for reading man. Bye.....!! Do come again ?? hahanicky..
What's Wrong with me ???
I'm so sad. You all must be wondering why yesh ?? Haiz, It's all cos of me again (i guess). I pissed someone whom i loved (those friend-friend kinda love k , dun get the wrong idea ...!! ) the most off. Called him & Msg him too much, ha...Sounds familiar to all of my friends out there yeah ?? That's me man, can't really change that can i ?? haahaaI really do hope that i could control my emotions at times, but i really can't do that very well....!! I always can't. I hated being the way that i am, always making myself unhapy and sad. But what's wrong with loving your friends etc ?? What's wrong ??? Haiz ...!! Argh ....., hope that things will become better between the relationships with me and my friends. Really hope so.....!!Sad sad
Badminton With Mervyn..!!!
Played Badminton with Mervyn today. Frankly specking, i don't really know him well..ha...You guys must be thinking, "why do u go play badminton with him if u dun really know him well ??". That's cos i loved Badminton ...!! hahahaAnwyay, we went to Singapore Poly to play badminton today. So fun....!! haha....first time being to SP. Quite a nice place, got so many facilities...power...... .... !!!Mervyn got 3 other of his friends to play badminton as well...!!! 2 Girls and a guy. The 2 girls are power...!! They can really play damn well ...!! sorry for my language, but they really played very well...!! made me so tired ...... hahaha, especially when i and playing against the 2 of them alone....!!Something which i dreaded a lot happened after the badminton session, one of Mervyn's friend, Roger started to "Preach" to me about Jesus.... ...!!! Though i have nothing against it, but i just hated it when ppl starts to talk to me about it and worse of all, ask me questions....!!! But i really appreciate it, as least i feel that they care for me... haha...(or is it that i think too much ?? ) Supposed to go for one of my Sec Sch friend's Birthday Party over at Costa Sands chalet, but i was too tired after playing badminton that i decided not to go.....(i have to admit that the other reason for not turning up is that i'm lazy to get the present...!!hehehe) ya, that's about it....hehehenick